SuperFriendly takes your privacy seriously. Please read through the following to learn what policies are in place regarding your privacy. We may modify this Privacy Policy from time to time, and if we make material changes to it, we will provide notice to you by updating the Privacy Policy on the SuperFriendly site, and, if you’ve provided an email address, by sending you an email at that email address.
This Privacy Policy will explain how we treat the Personal Information we collect from our users of the SuperFriendly site (“Visitors”). Personal Information is information about our Visitors that is personally identifiable, such as your name, address, email address, or phone number, and information that is not otherwise publicly available.
What We Collect and How We Collect it.
SuperFriendly collects the following Personal Information from your computer and browser, including:
- your IP address,
- SuperFriendly Cookie Information, and
- your email address.
You directly provide the data SuperFriendly collects. We collect data when you:
- Use or view the SuperFriendly website via your browser’s cookies; or
- Voluntarily provide SuperFriendly with your email address when signing up for the SuperFriendly newsletter, or requesting SuperFriendly contact you.
Platforms We Use on This Site
How We Use What We Collect
SuperFriendly uses the Personal Information for the following purposes:
- SuperFriendly uses data from cookies to help us assess why our Visitors are visiting the SuperFriendly site, so we can tailor the site to better fit our visitors needs;
- SuperFriendly uses data from cookies to customize your experience,
- SuperFriendly uses your email to send you newsletters, with information we feel would be of interest or importance to you, or to contact you as you’ve requested.
SuperFriendly does not rent or sell your Personal Information with other people or non-affiliated companies.
SuperFriendly may use information we gather from your use of the SuperFriendly site in an anonymized fashion. That is, we will not allow any third party access to Personal Information but we may compile and make public aggregated reports that show use-trends of the SuperFriendly site or other similar data. These reports will not contain your Personal Information.
Where We Keep Your Personal Information, and How We Protect It
SuperFriendly stores your Personal Information through our third party partners, such as Mailchimp. Storage by any third parties will be governed by at least industry standard protections. SuperFriendly will only keep the Personal Information you supply for as long as needed to fulfill the purpose for which you have supplied such information. With that being said, if you subscribe to our newsletter we will no longer store your email if you request to unsubscribe from the newsletter.
SuperFriendly protects your Personal Information using industry standard security measures. We only allow approved contractors and employees who need to use Personal Information for their work with SuperFriendly access to your Personal Information, and third party vendors who store your Personal Information must have adequate security measures in place. It is important to note that the nature of the internet does not allow for 100% security or your Personal Information. Although we take reasonable steps to prevent it, SuperFriendly does not warrant that information will not be accessed or disclosed through a breach of any of our security protocol. If we become aware of a security breach involving your Personal Information, as soon as practicable, we will email you at the address you’ve provided, and post to the SuperFriendly site a notice of such security breach.
What Rights You Have Regarding Your Personal Information
Every Visitor to the SuperFriendly site has the following rights:
- The right to access. You have the right to see the Personal Information you have provided to us,
- The right to rectification and erasure. You may request that SuperFriendly correct any of your Personal Information, or you may complete any incomplete information we possess. You have the right to request SuperFriendly delete the Personal Information stored, under certain conditions.
- The right to object to processing or restrict processing. You have the right to request SuperFriendly limit processing of your Personal Data, or you may object to the processing, under certain conditions.
- The right to data portability. You have the right to request SuperFriendly transfer your data to another organization or to you directly, under certain conditions.
Additionally, if you are a California resident, in accordance with California law, you may request and we will provide you with a list of what Personal Information (if any) we disclosed to third parties for direct marketing purposes in the preceding calendar year and the names and addresses of those third parties. Requests may be made only once a year.
International Residents. If you are visiting the SuperFriendly site from outside of the United States, be aware that you are sending Personal Information to the United States where our servers are located. That information, including Personal Information, may be transmitted within the United States or to other countries outside of your country of residence. These countries may not have privacy and data protection laws as comprehensive as those in your country of residence. Your Personal Information, however, will at all times remain governed by this Privacy Policy.
Regarding the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), SuperFriendly is not intended for children under the age of 13, and does not collect, use or disclose personal information from children.
A cookie is a small piece of information that is stored on a computer for identifying that browser during interaction on websites. Cookies may be used to store items such as identifiers and user preferences. A website may set a cookie to the browser if the browser's preferences allow it. If you don’t want SuperFriendly to use cookies you may change your browser settings to prevent receiving them, however this may change the user experience by causing the SuperFriendly site to not function as intended. SuperFriendly uses cookies to track how you’ve gotten to our site, how long you’ve spent on our site, what you do on our site, and where you go when you leave our site.
What types of cookies do we use?
There are a number of different types of cookies, however, the SuperFriendly site uses:
- Functionality. SuperFriendly uses these cookies so that we recognize you on our website and remember your previously selected preferences. These could include what language you prefer and location you are in. A mix of first-party and third-party cookies are used.
- Advertising. SuperFriendly uses these cookies to collect information about your visit to our website, the content you viewed, the links you followed and information about your browser, device, and your IP address. SuperFriendly sometimes shares some limited aspects of this data with third parties for advertising purposes. We may also share online data collected through cookies with our advertising partners. This means that when you visit another website, you may be shown advertising based on your browsing patterns on our website.
Third Party Privacy Policies
The SuperFriendly site may contain links to other websites. Remember this privacy policy only applies on the SuperFriendly site. If you click a link to another site, be sure to read their privacy policy.
It is SuperFriendly’s general policy to be as transparent as possible about your privacy. If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact through email at